Gerard Pierre exhibition

par Philippe  -  4 Août 2018, 19:09

Gerard Pierre exhibition

Exhibition from Jine 29 to September 19 2018 at the Museum of the photography gallery, 1 place Pierre Gautier, 06000 Nice, from Thursday to Sunday and from 11am to 6pm, phone :


The photographer from Nice Gérard Pierre chooses an art style who underlines the loneliness of or society. In 1977 he opens a bookshop names "Stenope" for selling books, postcards and exhibiting new artists. This bookshop becomes quickly the place to be for professionals or art lovers. Gérard Pierre uses black and white colors with intelligence and founds in 1987 the "September of the photography" the ancestor of the Photography Theater and the Photography Museum. The Gerard Pierre pictures are long, panoramic and are a part of our lives.

Gérard Piere "The harbor of Nice" (1976)

Gérard Piere "The harbor of Nice" (1976)

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