Satie 152 exhibition

par Philippe  -  19 Septembre 2018, 06:50

Satie 152 exhibition

Exhibition from September 15th to October 14th at the Villa Arson, open every days from 2pm to 6pm, except Thursdays, 20 Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06105 Nice Cedex 2, admission free.


The members of the collective Guignol's Band (Marcel Bataillard, Frederik Brandi, Kristof Everart) work together since twenty years. During all these years the Erik Satie name comes back as a leitmotiv inside their own works. We must also notice that the musician and music lover Frederik Brandi improves a huge passion for the "Gnossiennes". Making something about Satie isn't easy because this musician stays unclassified. Precursor of the vanguards of the beginning of the 20th century and the middle of that century he influences also the minimalist movement. Satie rejected the music school way of teaching for creating is own style.

Kristof Everart "Niche écologique" (2018)

Kristof Everart "Niche écologique" (2018)

Between 1890 and 1895 Erik Satie follows a mystic period where he becomes members of sects like the "Rose Cross" or becomes member of his own religion limited to one people himself. Satie composes also the "Gnossiennes" (music divided in six parts) named in reference to "gnosis" a word who means soul protection by the knowledge of himself. The musician Frederik Brandi takes his inspiration inside the "Gnossiennes" for building a music score who superpose the Satie music by using the four corners of the exhibition room. Brandi succeeds to invent a music in permanent evolution.

Marcel Bataillard "Ironik minimal" (2018)

Marcel Bataillard "Ironik minimal" (2018)

Erik Satie is also known for being the inventor of the music performed inside the furniture selling places. This kind of music seems banal to us but at this time (beginning of the 20th century) it's looks like a small revolution. The artist Marcel Bataillard interpret the Satie's art work by integrating words or sentences written by Satie inside usual furniture. With "Wall of Fame" Bataillard fights against the prejudices carried by social networks like a foolish politician who didn't hesitate to insult the Satie spirit. The famous Satie double pianos ended the exhibition. Kristof Everart uses the double pianos story (letters and partitions found inside after the Satie death in 1925) for underlining the fact that Satie will stay unclassified forever.

Marcel Bataillard "Ironik minimal" (2018)

Marcel Bataillard "Ironik minimal" (2018)

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