Peggy Guggenheim, the art addict

par Philippe  -  26 Octobre 2018, 18:30

Peggy Guggenheim, the art addict

Documentary, directed by : Lisa Immordino Vreeland, writings credits : Bernadine Colish, Lisa Immordino Vreeland, ^produced by : Bob Benton, Ben Brown, Josh Brown, Stanley Buchthal, Maya Karmila Hoffman, David Koh, John Northrup, Lisa Immordino Vreeland, cast : Peggy Guggenheim, Marina Abramovic, Dora Ashton, Stépahnie Barron, Jacqueline Bogard Weld ..., music : Steven Argilo, cinematography by : Peter Trilling, film editing : Bernadine Colish, Jed Parker, ..., 1h 45mn, (2015).


Without following any art studies Peggy Guggenheim has constituted the most import art collection of the 20th century. She has bought some art galleries in New - York City or London before her Venice Palace her future foundation. Benjamin Guggenheim daughter's Peggy receives a part of the family fortune after her father death in the Titanic tragedy (1912) and she will be initiate by Duchamp, Cocteau and Brassaï to art. Peggy Gugenheim travels in Europe during the Roaring twenties where she meets many artists. Some of them will be her lovers like her husband Max Ernst but she also will help Varian Fry in his fight against the fascism. After World War II Peggy Guggenheim decides to live definitively in Europe inside her palace who will become a famous meeting place for artists. Peggy didn't like the snobbery and the will of making a profitable investment inherent to the art buyers.

Peggy Guggenheim.

Peggy Guggenheim.

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