Edson Chagas, Tipo Passe serial

par Philippe  -  14 Janvier 2019, 17:52

Edson Chagas, Tipo Passe serial

Travelling dominate the art work of the Angolese photographer Edson Chagas. Since he was sixteen years old he has moved to Portugal where he learns how to make picture and to England where he has followed communication studies at the London College. Edson Chagas realizes his first pictures in minimal art style by using things he collects in the London streets. In 2013 he receives the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale but this award doesn't disturb his personality. With "Tipo Passe" serial he wants to speak about the Africans who leave Africa. For doing that he uses old African masks because masks play an important part in African societies. They care and protect those who wear them. Edson Chagas put together these masks with suits wearing by Angolese who travel abroad because the Angolese authorities order to wear a suit on passeport pictures. Some people think that Chagas try to make a line between tradition (mask) and modernity (suit) but it seems that his aim is just to deal with multiculturalism.

Edson Chagas "Tipo Passe".

Edson Chagas "Tipo Passe".

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