Maecenas and collectors

par Philippe  -  10 Juin 2019, 13:41

Maecenas and collectors

the two contractors watch of art Yves Bremont and Philippe Biscroma, exhibition at the CIAC, Carros castle, castle square, 06510 Carros (village), closed Mondays and hollidays, open from 10am to 12.30am and from 2pm to 5.30pm, phone :, admission free,


As every years the Carros CIAC underlines the part playing by maecenas and collectors inside the artistic process. Today Yves Bremont and Philippe Biscroma two contractors in the country side just inland from Nice show their collections to the audience who reflect their reasons for buying art work. They look for spontaneous, inventivity, involvement and may be generosity. All the exhibited artists involve themselves against overconsumption like Anthony Alberti who promote recycling or denouncing the human tragedy by expressing deep suffering or joy (KRM) or showing us instantaneous feelings (Faben). They all come from street art and colorfull canvas without any stratchers introduce their art work except the Marc Lenzi work who own a more traditional stratcher. The exhibited artists inspire themselves in mas medias, political and cultural environment they twist because their purpose is to establish like Faben does a positive way of thinking.

Lucas Bernardini art work, Jacques Villeglé "Untiteld", KRM "The wall spirit", Faben.
Lucas Bernardini art work, Jacques Villeglé "Untiteld", KRM "The wall spirit", Faben.
Lucas Bernardini art work, Jacques Villeglé "Untiteld", KRM "The wall spirit", Faben.
Lucas Bernardini art work, Jacques Villeglé "Untiteld", KRM "The wall spirit", Faben.

Lucas Bernardini art work, Jacques Villeglé "Untiteld", KRM "The wall spirit", Faben.

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