The bikini invisible

par Philippe  -  19 Juin 2019, 12:19

The bikini invisible

Exhibition at the MAMAC from May 15 to November 10 2019, contemporary gallery, Arts promenade, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice, open daily from 11am to 6pm except Mondays, phone :


"The bikini invisible" results from a collaboration of two artists who have learnt art at the villa Arson and exhibit under their two names. The exhibition goes as an inquiry where the script is searching the symbol of the world warmth and exotic places. The universe created by Hippolyte and Hentgen mixes the fantastic spirit, the pop art way of making and the underground comics from the 1960's and 1970's. The both invite the spectator to look for sexy Pin Up through canvas, films, sculptures and installations and it succeeds to oscillate between burlesque and fantasy.

The bikini invisible
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