Arman, the new state of the things

par Philippe  -  6 Juillet 2019, 09:19

Arman, the new state of the things

Exhibition at the Vence Museum, Emile Hugues Fondation from June 28 to December 15 2019, 2 square of the Frêne, 06140 Vence, open daily from 11am to 6pm except Mondays, phone :


This exhibition begins with the distroyed piano sculpture names "Accord Parfait" (2004) who tributes the Arman way of thinking. For making this sculpture Arman has inspired himself by the famous surrealist silent movie "An andalusian dog" (1929) directed by Luis Bunuel in which the main character shoots with a weapon on two pianos. The script written by Bunuel and Dali indicates that these two pianos keep many souls inside. Arman belongs to a generation who never throw any objects and own them during all the life. His purpose was to give new life to the objects he put inside his sculptures. For arousing the reaction of the public about the history of consumption he doesn't hesitate to break some objects with an axe in front cameras during filmed artistic performances.

Arman "Chupas Chups" (1965)

Arman "Chupas Chups" (1965)

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