Killing the sun against me

par Philippe  -  1 Juillet 2019, 17:15

Killing the sun against me

Exhibition of the graduated students at the Villa Arson from June 30 to September 22 2019, 20 Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open daily except Thursdays from 2pm to 7pm, phone :, admission free.


Schooling comes to end and the Villa Arson graduated exhibit their art work before leaving art school. A single question happens what kind of receipt they must follow for underlining their art work ? No receipt exist but the graduated proposes some solutions. The visibility can be find in a mediation (Cédric Aguillon) or in the working intensity (Elsa Belbacha - Lardy) with some wise (Hugo Bench). The artist must interest himself with the space he restores and reveals (Ferdinand Chauvelin) but he never occupy a main position because the doubt play an important part in his way of working (Sarah Bourlier). The artist must protect all the cultures (Beatrice Celli), highlight the sorrow of the victims (Mélina Ghorafi) and never forget that he should stay a wanderer for a long time if he does like that (Tiberio Suppressa).The real artist stays prudent with transparency (Vincent Burger) because it hides full of opacity (Elise Bercovitz). It can also disturb the artist way of making (Min Suck Kim) as a tyranny. This transparency incites sometimes the artist to extrapolate (Matthieu Maytraud) for imaging himself as a romantic heroe. It creates a tension who breaks the spectator point of view (Chloé Riviera) and create a fear (Paola Rodriguez Canada).


Vincent Burger "Dusty Kingdom" (2019)

Vincent Burger "Dusty Kingdom" (2019)

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I really like Vincent Burger's dusty kingdom piece