Laughing to live

par Philippe  -  7 Août 2019, 08:21

Laughing to live

A conversation with Movin' Melvin Brown, directed by : Mett Ann Hansen, producers : Francesca Sansalone, Movin' Melvin Brown, cinematography : Mett Ann Hansen, sound : Christian Schrader, music : Movin' Melvin Brown, distribution : Movin' Melvin Brown, Francesca Sansalone, Melvin Brown Jr., Mark Carver, Matthew Christian, Gaby Jerand jr, 24, 04 mn, (2019).


During a trip in Europe the singer and dancer Movin' Melvin Brown shares in front of a camera some memories or thoughts about his life. His  warm and contageous laughing constitutes his own trademark who helps him to exorcice life sufferings for the one who is born in Cincinnati (Ohio) when United States was divided by segregation laws. His laughing succeeds also to disarm the racists and to fight with success against his anger. For a long time his neighbourhood think that he was crazy or naïve but Movin' Melvin Brown really knows what he wants. Movin' Melvin Brown doesn't take him seriously because his purpose is to put together different people from different backgrounds. Before each shows Movin' Melvin Brown trains himself seriously because he loves life and wants to give a positive energy to the audience.

Movin' Melvin Brown singing

Movin' Melvin Brown singing

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true point, still today it is hard for many in the black community to accept those like movin melvin brown are not opposing their own people based on their committment to peaceful integration