Camille Fallet, by refraction

par Philippe  -  25 Septembre 2019, 07:23

Camille Fallet, by refraction

Exhibition from September 21 to November 24 at the Photography Museum, Museum gallery, 1 place Gautier, 06364 Nice Cedex 4, daily open mornings (10am to 12.30am) and afternoons (1.30pm to 6pm), ticket full price : 10 €, phone :, 


The Sept Off association proposes during the Sattelite Festival picture to highlight the art work of the photographer Camille Fallet living in Marseille. Camille Fallet speaks about territories and their representations with a critical and sometimes a polemical watch who is different from the code used for making documentaries. Camille Fallet opposes past to present for creating new opportunities. For doing that he uses framing for underlining the detail who will help the spectator to see the dark side of our modern utopias.

Building near Marseille (cité Bellevue) photographed by Camille Fallet (2017)

Building near Marseille (cité Bellevue) photographed by Camille Fallet (2017)

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Thanks so much for that.
great photo by Camille Fallet