
par Philippe  -  23 Septembre 2019, 08:17


Exhibition from September 19 2019 to January 5 2020 at the Matisse Museum, 164 Arenas avenue, 06364 Nice Cedex 4, daily open from 10am to 6pm except Thuersdays, phone :, e - mail :, ticket full price : 10€


Picture plays an important part inside the Matisse art work and this film addict doesn't hesitate to spend time in several theaters when he lived in Nice. His taste goes from Murnau a silent film director to Tarzan. At the beginning of the 1920's Henri Matisse frequents the Victorine sets at Nice and meets the American film director Rex Ingram who leaded that place. All the movie filmed at this time are deeply influenced by an orientalist fashion like in "La sultane de l'amour" (1919) and Matisse will follow this way towards his famous odalisques. This experience will continue when Matisse arrives in Tahiti like Gauguin thirty years before. There he sees the "Taboo" shooting under the direction of Murnau and interest himself how cameras can records pictures. It will help him to imagine his forms metamorphosis under the time action and also giving him some inspirations for making his big cut goauches. Henri Matisse loved pictures but the film directors also loved Henri Matisse art work. The French New Wave (Jacques Rivette, Eric Rohmer, Jean - Luc Godard, Jacques Demy, Agnès Varda) consider him as their precursor like Jean Renoir or Roberto Rosselini. Jacques Demy speaks about Matisse in two movies "Les parapluies de Cherbourg" (1960) and "Peau d'âne" (1969). Eric Rohmer inspires himself with Matisse colors in "Pauline à la plage" (1984) and introduces a Matisse painting inside the film poster. Near these film directors two pictures will be specially dedicated to Matisse. In 1946 the French film director François Campaux makes "Henri Matisse" in which he asks to some famous intellectuals analyzing the Matisse paintings. The painter seems surprised by this way of doing but in fact he doesn't oppose to it. Six years after Matisse disappearance Marcel Ophüls another film director realizes "Matisse ou le talent du bonheur" dealing about the painter daily life.

Henri Matisse with the American film director Friedriech Murnau on the "Taboo" set (1930)

Henri Matisse with the American film director Friedriech Murnau on the "Taboo" set (1930)

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I never knew about this aspect in matisse's life