Jean Deldevez, colors and matter owerflovings

par Philippe  -  23 Décembre 2019, 22:00

Jean Deldevez, colors and matter owerflovings

Exhibition from December 15th 2019 to January 31rst 2020 at the Chave art gallery, 12 and 13 Henri Isnard street, 06140 Vence, daily open except Sundays from 10am to 12.30pm and 3pm to 7.30pm. During December and January the art galleries are open by making an appointment, phone :, admission free.


Jean Deldevez belongs to these independant painters from the Montmartre area in Paris working about urban landscapes. Drawing trained in the French capitale He improves himself with the help of Maître Auclair (drawing) and Jules Hervé (painting). He does tourist paintings until 1936 and the he leaves Paris for moving to Grasse until 1948. When Jean Deldevez goes back to Paris he decides to paint by following a modern style influenced by the Picasso cubism. He paints, does stickings whose result is canvas full of colors and fantasies. Long time exhibits at the Rossi art gallery (Constance street in Paris) Jean Deldevez participates tot the "Singuliers de l'art" exhibition organized by the Paris Museum of Modern Art between June and August 1978. A big retrospect will be held with a catalog written by Auguste Le Breton two  years after the Deldevez  death in 1985.

Jean Deldevez ''Sans titre''.

Jean Deldevez ''Sans titre''.

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