The magic circle
Exhibition from November 8th 2019 to February 3rd 2020 of the docteur Albert Frère collection, 65 street of France, 06000 Nice, daily open from 11am to 7pm except Tuesdays, phone :, ticket full price : 10 €.
The modern circus borns officially in April 4th 1762 when the "Gazeeter and new daily advertiser" publishes a Philip Astley article in which he says that he opens a riding horse school. This school peforms under a big top since 1779 with some advertisings who ponctuate the show and also help the riders to prepare themselves. The concept arrives in France where he grows up with Franconi. On the French Riviera the Tiranty place (1853), the Pastorelli street (1887) and the Jetée Premonade Palace welcomes circus troups. Some new performances are introduce like acrobats who mean the one walking on the toes, the jugglers, the magicians and the trapeze artists. The circus will cross the Atlantic ocean for his first show in the Delaware state in November 22nd 1865 under the Joshua Purdey Brown leading. But the circus will cross back the ocean with "The Buffalo Bill's Wild West" diected by Buffalo Bill himself and Ned Silsbury with real cow - boys, real Natives and real wild beasts. Under the advices of the novelist Mark Twain the both decide to propose some shows in Europe just before the 1899 universal exhibition.
Jazzin'Nice, 70 years of jazz loving -
Exhibition from July 7th to October 15th at the Masséna Museum, open from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm, closed Thursday, 65 street of France, 06364 Nice, phone : Since a century
Brick's story -
Exhibition at the Massena Museum from November 17, 2018 to Mars 5, 2019, open from Monday to Sundat (11am to 6pm), closed Thursdays, phone : When the 1929 krach strikes Europe the ...
Nice, cinemapolis -
Exhibition from May 17 to September 30 2019 at the Villa Massena, 65 street of France, 06000 Nice, open daily except Thursdays from 11am to 6pm in partnership with the French Cinémathèque, phone ...