Sol Calero

par Philippe  -  26 Février 2020, 08:41

Sol Calero

"They insisted on covering the fissures but the walls still perspired", exhibtion from February 14 to May 3, 2020 at the Villa Arson, avenue Stephen Liégeard 20, 06000 Nice, daily open except Tuesdays, from 2 to 6 pm, closed May 1, phone :, admission free.


The Venezuelian artist Sol Calero living in Berlin makes art work putting together South American culture and European contemporary art. Her work isn't something colorful like some people think but it translates first the influences of indegeneous from Peru. Her work owns also a part of the Spanish colonial heritage when missionnaries force indigeneous and mixed race people to paint ex - votos ("La Escula cuzquena") with religious patterns. Sol Calero revendicate a deep link with the Matisse painting and it explain why she has choosen to exhibit in Nice. She begins her work by immersing herself totaly in the place she exhibits. After Sol Calero imagines the colors, the forms, the volumes and the painting places. She integrates and takes the control of the problems place because she follows the purpose to let the people participating by giving critics or by approving the work. Sol Calero palys with the windows light and the ochre color of the pation for opening her oniric universe. When she arrives at the Villa Arson she incite the board to build a new section at the library dedicated to South American artists. Thirty books deals with that and show us the differences between the Andes and the Caribean universe. They also underline that art making could unify South America in spite of the fact that some countries know deep inner problems like Venezuela forcing young people to go away and to integrate western culture.

Sol Calero ''Miren siempre dentro de sus botos'' (2019)

Sol Calero ''Miren siempre dentro de sus botos'' (2019)

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