Gideon Mendel, freedom or d.

par Philippe  -  13 Mai 2020, 08:37

Gideon Mendel, freedom or d.

Exhibition at the ARTCO Cape Town, 3rd Floor, Fair Weathes House, 176 Sir Lowry Rd, 7925 Cape Town, South Africa, open from Tuesdays to Fridays (9.30am - 5pm)  and Saturdays (10am - 6pm) or by appointments, phone : +27 (0) 641705545.


The South African photographer Gideon Mendel begins photographing his own country at the beginning of the 1980's. He testifies about the violence of the apartheid regime and his pictures will help him to become famous all over the world. During the 1990's he commits himself in some social contemporary topics and let these pictures inside some boxes stored in a friend house. Unfortunatly the roof house has a leak and some water fall inside these boxes. The water twists the colors and pictures quality and new forms or colors appear. Going back to South Africa Gideon Mendel remembers himself his beginning work and decides with the help of the writer from Argentina Marcelo Brodsky making an explaining work. The Marcelo Brodsky words and the Gideon Mendel pictures help us questioning about the leaving memory.

Gideon Mendel "The Stone,The Gun, The Placte" (1986)

Gideon Mendel "The Stone,The Gun, The Placte" (1986)

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