Chosen pieces

par Philippe  -  28 Septembre 2020, 08:09

Chosen pieces

Exhibition at the Vence Museum from September 19 2020 to January 17 2021, 2 Frêne square, 06140 Vence, daily open except Mondays (11am - 6pm), phone :, ticket full price : 6€.


The "Chosen pieces" exhibition at the Vence Museum sollicitates our poetical memory  invented by the Czek writer Milan Kundera. It incites our memory recording feelings, emotions or thing that we love. "Chosen pieces" tributes also art and link between art and the city of Vence. This tribute is building towards dialogs with  several artists like Viallat, Malaval, Le Gac and Favier or "in situe" making with the famous Sol Lewitt Wall Drawing. Tributing involve also printed art books given by the Chave art gallery and Yvon Lambert or the publisher Bernard Chauveau. "Chosen pieces" follows his way through the streets of Vence from the Big Garden square to the White Penitents chapel. This "Camin'art" meaning way of art in english put together art and discovering.

"Chosen pieces".

"Chosen pieces".

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