Ursula Biemann, indigenous knowledge, cosmological fictions

par Philippe  -  8 Septembre 2020, 08:39

Ursula Biemann, indigenous knowledge, cosmological fictions

Exhibition at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) of Nice from August 28th 2020 to January 17th 2021, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice, Cedex 4, daily open except Mondays (11am - 6pm), phone :, ticket full price : 10€.


Ursula Biemann uses several artistic tools like video tape, photography, texts, interviews or cartography for searching about weather changing involved by pollution. She follows a double approach in two levels from the ground to the earth and also participate to an exchange plateform names Manisfesto for giving answers to environement contemporary questions. Several video tapes illustrates that commitment. "Deep weather" recorded in 2013 inspires itself by the butterfly theory and show us the consequences of oil drilling in Canada. The oceans rise up and the people of the south countries need to build dikes. "Forrest Law" (2014) introduces forrests as earth lungs and insist on the fact that their end mean the end of human being. "Subatlantic" (2015) deals with the connection of differents points around the world and their influence on weather. At the end "Acoustic Ocean" (2018) uses the recorded sounds from differents spaces living in the depths for trying to build a dialog with them.

Ursala Biemann "Acoustic Ocean" (2018).

Ursala Biemann "Acoustic Ocean" (2018).

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