Gerda Taro

par Philippe  -  13 Janvier 2021, 10:50

Gerda Taro

Borns in the Russian province of Galicia the young Gerta Pohorylle arrives with her family in Leipzig (Germany) at the beginning of the 1930's. When the nazis take the power she and her family move to Paris where she looks for a job. Gerta spends some times in several cafés and builds the "Leipziger Kreis" with several others German immigrants. She also comes into contact with artists and intellectuals finding herself a passion for picture making. One day she meets a young Hungarian photographer names Endre Ernö Friedmann and fall in love with him. Gerta invents for Endre the character of an American photographer and the Robert Capa patronysmous doing the same and becoming Gerda Taro. Gerda promote the Capa art work among papers and cover with her love the civil Spanish war but in fact they willn't follow the same ways. Capa loves only action but Gerda interest herself with framing and wants to be known. The French writer Louis Aragon gives her a job as photoreporter inside the news magasine "Ce soir" liking her coverage of the Valence bombing. The Taro purpose is making the picture symbolizing the civil Spanish war but she will be killed by a tank in July 25 1937 near Brunete. Some famous people will be there in her funerals (Pablo Neruda, Louis Aragon, ...) and her grave is made by the sculptor Alberto Giacometti. Robert Capa succeeds to convince a New - York publisher to print a book tributing the Taro art work. Eclipsed by the Robert Capa celebrity the Taro name will sink into oblivion until the discovery of 4.500 forgotten pictures inside a suit in Mexico (2017). This discover bring back the light on the Taro art work and some people ask themselves questions about the Capa art work.

Gerda Taro.

Gerda Taro.

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