Charles Mostoller, Concrete Cowboys
The American photographer Charles Mostoller covers for famous newspapers like the National Geographic, the New - York - Times or the Wall Street Journal the questions involve by immigration or South America. The "Concrete Cowboys" serial deals with a reinstatment programm of young boys from destructurated families. A horses owner Malik Divers puts face to face these guys with horses. They must take care about the animals for learning the sense of responsabilities. It will help them to find quiet and serenity for resolving their problems.
Gerda Taro -
Borns in the Russian province of Galicia the young Gerta Pohorylle arrives with her family in Leipzig (Germany) at the beginning of the 1930's. When the nazis take the power she and her family move
Man Ray and the fashion, the woman universe -
Exhibition at the Luxembourg Museum until March 3 2021, with the support of RNM, le Grand Palais and the city of Marseille, 75 Vaugirard steeet, 75006 Paris, daily open (1.30 am - 7pm), phone : ...
Gregory Halpern -
Gregory Halpern begins by taking picture making seriously when he follows Art studies at the California College of Arts. Before he didn't feel the importance of photography. Gregory Halpern owns the
Charles Mostoller is an Asheville, North Carolina based photographer, videographer, journalist and drone pilot. He specializes in photojournalism, documentary, editorial, portraiture, video, and ...