What we have lost in the fire
Exhibition (Abdelkader Benchamma, Emile Brout, Maxime Marion, Corentin Canesson, Ross Heselton, Lola Gonzàlez, Emma Lauro, Thomas Teurlai) at the Villa Arson, Stephen Liégeard avenue 20, 06105 Nice, daily open except thursdays (2pm - 6pm), phone :, admission free.
The artist Lola Gonzàlez improves a huge admiration for the novelist Mariana Enriquez. Among the books she has written two catch her own attention "Or part of night" (2019) and "What we have lost in the fire" (2021). Thi first deals with a young medium fighting against bad spirits and the second speaks about drug and mutilations. Mariana Enriquez dives the reader inside an universe ponctuated by horror and humor finding his roots in the disturbed story of her birth country the Argentina. Lola Gonzàlez decides to put face to face several young artists like her with the Mariana Enriquez writing. The first Ross Heselton plays with ghosts and the second Corentin Canesson twists the words used by the novelist. The third Thomas Teurlai creates lightning works following the poetry of the book. The fourth and the fifth Emilie Brout and Maxime Marion prefer body art. The pictures of the sixth Emma Lauro deal with spirits and the work of the last Abdelkader Benchamma underlines the part playing by tales.
OVNi in the city - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Video festival in Nice (06000) until December 4, 2021, at the 109 (le Hublot, la Station, le Forum de l'urbanisme et de l'architecture, la Grande Halle), at the MAMAC, at the art gallery Eva ...
OVNi at the hotel - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Projections of many videos inside several hotels on the French Riviera (le Windsor, Villa Rivoli, la Malmaison, le West - End, le Splendid) since the begining of December, admisson free. OVNI at the
Nelson Pernasco - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Inner mounts from a mount analogue, exhibition until April 14 2022, Stephen Liégeard avenue 20, 06105 Nice, daily open except Mondays (2pm - 6pm), phone :, admission free. For ...
Villa Arson Nice ministère de la Culture Université Côte d'Azur
Une école, une bibliothèque, des expositions, de la recherche, des résidences, une architecture et des jardins remarquables.