Fernand Léger and the cinema
Exhibition at the National Fernand Léger Museum until September 19, 2022, Val de Pôme way, 06410 Biot, daily open except Tuesdays (10am - 6pm), phone :, ticket full price : 7, 50 €.
Fernand Léger feels a huge interest about movie making since 1916 during a free time between the world war one battles and understand quickly the importance of such discovery on art. He involves himself a lot on differents ways like posters and sets making, directing, producing and acting. In 1924 Fernand Léger films his first short names "Ballet Mécanique" with the help of Man Ray and Dudley Murphy supported by the Georges Antheil music. This movie without any script owns some dadaïsts and cubists pictures in a speed editing way showing us the painter daily tools. Kiki de Montparnasse a famous people of the French vanguard performs as main actress. Léger follows his work when he makes the poster of the Abel Gance picture "La roue" (1923) and the sets the Marcel L'Herbier "L'inhumaine" movie the same year let his mind playing with geometry. After the second world war Fernand Léger will give his opinion about USA in "Léger en Amérique" (1946) and will participate to his last two movies. With Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp and Alexander Calder he gives his contribution to the Hans Richter movie "Dreams that money can buy" (1947) some short stories directed by Richter himself. The movie will be projected in the Mostra of Venice and the success arouses Léger to film his second short after "Ballet mécanique" but with a script and dialogs unlike in 1924. The story deals with a love story between a woman and a man perfoming by mannequins. Léger throws away the scenes where his assistants puts wardrobes on these mannequins and the music composed by John La Touche singing by Libby Holeman and John White can be used with the framing for giving to the mannequin a human soul.
Jean - Paul Belmondo, the magnificent - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exhibition at the Hotel Cap Eden Roc, 165 - 167 John Fitzgerald Kennedy boulevard, 06000 Antibes, until October, admission free. The famous French weekly "Paris Match" has built ten years ago with ...
Westermarck Effect - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Directed by : Saara Lamberg, writing credits : Saara Lamberg, produced by : Peter Alexander, Adam Ghiggino, Charly Harrison, Andy Hazel, Marcus Kerr, Saara Lamberg, Simon Mansell, Paula Walin - ...
Cindy Sherman - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
The photographer Cindy Sherman hides herself behind cameras like a movie star since several decades. She writes her own scripts, directs herself and builds wardrobes she wears. Cindy Sherman plays ...
Page d'accueil | Musée national Fernand Léger
été 2022 Conditions d'accès au musée Le Plan Vigipirate "sécurité renforcée" demeure en vigueur. Pour en savoir + Visites guidées des premiers dimanches du mois Visites guidées tous les pr...