I won't remain alone
Short movie directed by : Yaser Talebi, produced by : Yaser Talebi, Farid Arab, Elilmia production, Elulah Nabakt, Chosen Image, cinematography : Farah Akhsh Fachidinia, Mahmoud Dreza Mafi, film editing : Jacer Talebi, sound : Hasan Jaferi, Ramin Abousedgh, Akbar Rastgar, ..., 15mn, (2021).
Sayed and his wife Soraya live peacefully in Talikela a small iranian village. This simple, peacefull and outdated following the seasons is broken when their own son is a stroke victim. The both move to the hospital and meet the doctor who given them à paper for giving their son organs. Sayed doesn't know what to do and asks questions to his friends and go to the muskee. After a long time he signs the paper who help savinga lives. Some of the organs receivers decide to say him thank you for his action.
Maria Schneider 1983 - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Documentary directed by : Elizabeth Subrin, writing credits : Elizabeth Subrin, produced by : Helen Olive, Martin Berthier, 5 à 7 Film, Manifest, Elsa Boutault Caradec, cinematography : Pasacale ...
Fernand Léger and the cinema - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exhibition at the National Fernand Léger Museum until September 19, 2022, Val de Pôme way, 06410 Biot, daily open except Tuesdays (10am - 6pm), phone :, ticket full price : 7, 50 ...
Fuego - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Feature movie written and directed by Christine Rodriguez, produced by : Christine Rodriguez, Black Wealth Media (Black Ink Mentorship program), les productions la Tigresse, Black and Black films ...
Movie Dsitribution | Chosen Image Film | Santa Monica
Supporter of creative filmmakers Specializing in visual storytelling, "Chosen Image" is your go-to source for excellent results. From development to production, our company is here to transmit your