
par Philippe  -  30 Septembre 2022, 14:13


Short movie directed by : Falcao Nhaga, writing credits : Falcao Nhaga, Pedro Cabral, production : Escola Superior de Teatro et Cinema (ESTC), Cinef, cinematography : Carolina Abreu, film editing : Marta Lopez, sound : Diego Albarran, cast : Bia Samos, Welket Bungue, ..., (2022), 30mn.


Following the French New Wave way of filming Falcao Nhaga depicts the relationship between a mother and her son. A mother doesn't succeed to carry some bags and calls her son for receiving a help. The dialogs between the both show us the mother criticisms for living her alone but also the love she improves about him and the memory of their childhood in Guinée - Bissau.

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