Danielle Braithwaite - Shirley

par Philippe  -  21 Février 2023, 09:59

Danielle Braithwaite - Shirley

Before there were none, exhibition at the Villa Arson, Stephen Liegeard avenue 20, 06105 Nice, daily open except Tuesdays (2pm - 6pm), phone :, admission free.


The Danielle Braithwaite - Shirley is built on the novel "The ten little niggers" written in 1939 by Agatha Christie known as "They were none" in 2020 where the plot looks like a Cluedo. Dix different people are guested in an lonely island by an unknown landlord. In the island they are killed one by one following the words of an old nursery rhyme. Agatha Christie finds the inspiration inside the Septimus Winner song "Ten little Indians" (1860) adapted some years after by Franck Green. The novel show us people being subject and victim confrontated to a risk materialized by ten little statues. Danielle Braithwaite - Shirley understands first that the Agatha Christie novel is a little bit racist because no Afraican - American people stays in and the title owns the pejorative word "nigger". The nursery rhyme who connects all the murders together comes also from a time where racist thinking was important. Danielle Braithwaite - Shirley twists the novel by constructing another end leaded by resurrection. The ten lives other lives and the spectators must help them.

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