
par Philippe  -  16 Mars 2023, 14:07


Movie directed by : Michele Placido, writing credits : Sandro Petraglia, Fidel Signorile, Michele Placido, produced by : Vincenzo Bonomo, Rita Rognoni, Frederica Vincenti, Chariot, MACT Productions, Le Pacte, Goldenart Production, RAI Cinema, Wild Bunch International, cinematography : Michele D'Attanasio, music : Umberto Iervolino, film editing : Consuelo Catucci, cast : Riccardo Scamarcio, Micaela Ramazzotti, Louis Garrel, Isabelle Huppert, Michele Placido, Tedua, Lolita Chammah, ..., (2022), 120 mn.


At the begenning of the 17th century the Italian painter The Caravage changes deeply painting by choosing whores for perfoming as madonnas or tramps for being apostles. His goal stays as finding a style not far from reality underlined by a twilight until tenebrism and supported by rich maecenas who collect all his production. The Caravage uses perfectly brushes but also swords and during a fight he kills a lord and must run away far from Roma finding a safe place near the Colonna contessa in Napoli. There he waits the pope forgiven but the leader of the christian church prefers sending someone for leading an investigation about the work and the life of The Caravage. The pope does like that because The Caravage way of painting disturbs the church conceptions. The painter follows the purpose to connect human being with spirituality but the church rather thinks that he highlights immorality. Some films critics don't like the introduction of an investigator inside the script but we must admit that he symbolyzes the spirit of this times. The cast under the direction of Michele Placido puts a lot into the film like in the Andreï Konchalovsky "Michel Ange" movie.

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Your nice, caravaggio killed a lord, he killed a pimp who was to one of his frequent models. At the end of the day his extreme use of chiaroscuro set up a style that was at the heart of the contrast element in what is commonly called the european baroque art style, than many other artist. That meant he had many copiers led a life of conflicts and because he made subjects that challenged many norms by the dominant authority where he lived, the christian chuch , he became legend while alive and myth afterward.
You're right and I think we can say that Caravaggio lives his own life like a rock star without any limits.