Who is afraid of Chantal Montellier ?
Exhibition at the Villa Arson until August 28th 2024, Stephen Liégeard avenue 20, daily open between 2pm and 6pm except Thuesdays, phone :, admission free.
The Villa Arson highlights until the end of August the drawing from the comic writer and painter Chantal Montellier who has begun his career at the beginning of the 1970's. Montellier wanted to be painter first but she decides quickly working for underground press like the ephemeral magazine "Ah Nana" (october 1976 _ september 1978) built and directed by women speaking about too radical topics for this time. The Chantal Montellier women characters are strong and singular moving in a political universe between reality and madness. Towards these women Chantal Montieller gives a radical watch without any concessions and brings us very far like in the comic book about the october 1994 Nanterre shooting when she twists the official speech about the Florence Rey involvement. Some people don't like this and refuse to invite her in meetings like the 1997 BDfil Festival. Chantal Montellier doesn't belong totaly to the comic establishment and the parents wouldn't offer her books to their children but she always owns a real pertinent watch.
The first photographic wall - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
The first photographic wall, Desambrois avenue, 06000 Nice. With the help of Museum photography director and the support of the city board the Desambrois avenue wall at Nice is becoming a place ...
Hergé and art - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exhibition at the Lympia Space, 2 quay of Entrecasteaux, 06300 Nice, daily open except Mondays and Thursdays (10am - 5pm), phone : Hergé the clear line creator who is a same black ...
Tatah - Matisse, Untitled - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Djamel Tatah, ''Untitled'', (2009) Exhibition at the Matisse museum until May 27th 2024, 164 arenas street, 06364 Nice Cedex 4, daily open except Thursdays (10am - 5pm), phone : ...