Expostion at the art gallery Chave, 13 Henri Isnard street, 06140 Vence, phone :, open each days to 10 am until 12.30 am and to 15 pm until 19.30 pm except holidays, free entrance,
The art gallery Chave of Vence expose an atypical artist until the end of spring. Becoming priest in 1974 and assigned in the Assomption monastery in Paris in 1975 Kim - en - Joong denotes in the art brut's world. Born the 10th of september 1940 in South Korea he discovers the colors at the age of six in printed left by the japanese troups. He studies calligraphy in the highschool and goes after in the Beaux - Arts of Seoul in 1959.
After his military service during the sixties he takes back painting with nature (birds, flowers, ...) as mean theme. He represent nature like an abstract landscape imposing a change of scene who is the biginning of a mystic search.
In his art work the spectator can find something who is special : the liquidity and the fluidity of the colors he used for his paintings. These paintings create a magical show playing in the vivacity of the tones and the contrasts. The mystic search of this artist translate his concern to penetrate the gist of the things and also for giving visible the hidden things.
La ballade du soldat -
Exposition, Galerie Chave, 13 rue Isnard, 06140 Vence. La Galerie Chave reste un rendez - vous incontournable pour les amoureux de l'art moderne. L'exposition qui s'y déroule jusqu'à la mi juille...
Henri Michaux -
Rétrospective, peinture, dessins, estampes de 1943 à 1984&, exposition du 13 juillet à fin novembre 2014, Galerie Chave, 13 rue Isnard, 06140 Vence, tél. Après l'exposition con...
Jean Dubuffet - Witold Gombrowicz correspondence -
Exposition Château Villeneuve / Fondation Emile Hugues, 2 place du Frêne, 06140 Vence, open thuersday until sunday, 20th december until 30th marz, entrance : 8 €, students and groups of 10 pers...