The precious power of the stones
Museum of Modern Art and Contemporary Art, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice, Cedex 4, from the 30th of january to the 15th of may 2016, open from 10am to 6pm except mondays (and 27th of marz and the 1rst of may), phone :
Between the usual marasm and the failure of the modern utopia the artists have clearly chosen the dream as an answer and propose to go forward. They use stones because they arouse the curiosity and the wondering also a kind of spirituality. Since the prehistory the stones are used for making paintings but we must to way until the 17th century and the advent of the cabinet of curiosity for considering themselves as art. These cabinets are the theater of the memory where the classifications got together with esthetic. The help to observe the stones and create some imagination. The purpose of these cabinets is to put together all the stones for creating masterpieces.
Stones becomes also a topic of some art work. They can be exhibite in boxes where they become full of light when they are lightened. They have been used also as symbol for giving an answer to anthropological questions or giving a feeling of fear. But they can also be protective against the life problems. The stones become masterpieces and invite to travel inside the time and to interrogate himself about the meaning of life.
The art work of the artists with stones isn't only limitated to collect and to install stones. They use stones for breaking the relativity of the space time or for his vertues. The texture of the stones help the artist to think about himself and about his art work. He incitates also the spectator to become also an actor. The artists use the stones for revealing the invisibility of the matter. With the stones the artist apprehend the future, create new forms and new space times.
Paul Armand Gette "Offrande à Aphrodite (L'Apothéose des fraises ou les menstrues de la déesse)" (2009)
The artist don't give a name tot his new space time but Paul Armand Gette proposes to represent this new space time with a tribute to the nature. Using the symbol of Aphrodite the goddess of love he realizes an artistic performance. He crushes some red fruits in some dishes. His purpose is to associate the stones and the sexuality for taking back to the myths and the origins of the humanity.
MMACA, the Prom's studio -
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Exhibition in the Nice Museum of Modern Art and Contemporary Art (MAMAC) to the 12th of june until the 29th of november. Yves Klein square, 06000 Nice, open all days except monday, to 10 am until ...
The pebble -
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Tribute to Arman -
Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art and Contmporary Art, Yves Klein square, 06000 Nice, every days open from 10 am to 6 pm except on monday, phone : The art work of Arman speaks ...
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Galerie de la Marine, open every days from february 6 to april 3 2016 except mondays, from 10am to 6pm, 52 quai des Etats - Unis, 06000 Nice, free entrance, The performer and photgrapher Moussa Sarr
Peter Kim, a float -
Exhibition at the Modern Art and the Contemporary Art, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice, Cedex 4, from the 27th february to the 24th april 2016, open all the days except monday from 10 am to 6 pm ...