Dietrich Vezzoli in villa Marlene
Exhibition from the 23rd of April to the 11th of September 2016 at the villa Sauber, 17 avenue Princess Grace, 98000 Monaco, open everyday from 11am to 7pm from the 1rst of June to the 30th of September and from 10am to 6pm from the 1rst of October to the 31rst of May, phone : +377 9898 1962, fee : 6 €.
Since fifteen years Francesco Vezzoli works on the actress Marlene Dietrich. He interests himself with the glamorous actresses and also with their image created by the medias. Francesco Vezzoli waves an irreverent dialogue with art, history, film, media for showing the ambiguity of notion of truth, the reductive power of the language and the instability of the human being.
Francesco Vezzoli takes possession of the villa Sauber and imagines that the star has a big fit of narcissism and ask to the greatest artists of her time to produce works where she was the only model. Francesco Vezzoli plays on the idea of shifting like the situationists have already done.
The exquisite corpus -
Art performance film, directed by : Peter Tscherskassky, Brigitte Burger Utzer, production : Peter Tscherskassky, soundtrack : David Schaefer. The director Peter Tscherskassky is borned in 1958 ...
Tribute to Arman -
Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art and Contmporary Art, Yves Klein square, 06000 Nice, every days open from 10 am to 6 pm except on monday, phone : The art work of Arman speaks ...
The Duane Hanson's exhibition -
Exhibition from February 20 to August 28 2016 at the villa Paloma (New National Museum of Monaco), 56 boulevard du Jardin Exotique, Monaco, open everyday from 10am to 7pm from June 1 to September 30