The orphan

par Philippe  -  24 Mai 2019, 08:49

The orphan

Short movie, directed by : Carolina Markowicz, produced by : Your Mama, Préfecture de Sao - Paulo, Marc Filon, cinematography : Pepe Mendez, cast : Kouan Alvarenga, Clarisse Abujamra, Georgina Castro, Ivo Müller, Julia Costa, ..., 16 mn, (2018).


Based on true story "The Orphan" deals with the Jonathas story a young orphan who has been adopted by a  family. The orphanage director and the others young orphans support the Jonathas and he thinks that he has really finds a loving home but it isn't real. The adopting couple get to divorce and Jonathas must goes back with many sorrows into the orphanage.



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here is the trailer