Theater of the photography and the picture, Martin Parr life s beach

par Philippe  -  15 Juillet 2015, 14:08

Theater of the photography and the picture, Martin Parr life s beach

Martin Parr exposition, Theater of the photography and the picture, Charles Nègre, the 12th of june until the 13th of september, open 10am to 6 pm, except monday, 27 boulevard Dubouchage, 06000 Nice, phone :

The english man Martin Parr improves a great interest for pictures since he is a young man. Under the influence of his grandfather George he studies the photography at the University Polytechnic of Manchester between 1970 and 1973. He becomes to be well known when he succeeds to find is own artistic style : shiny colors, stranges themes and a short narration. He diversifies his approach of the photography when he has shooted pictures for the fashion and the publicity. He improves also an interest for directing specially social documentaries.

Martin Parr,"Nice, France", (2014)

Martin Parr,"Nice, France", (2014)

The theater of the photography and the picture expose during the expositions around the Promenade des Anglais several pictures shooted by Martin Parr about beaches. These pictures show us differents beaches from Great - britain, Mexico, Japan, Spain, Brazil and Nice too. They show us also the differents customs of the people who go and stay on the beaches for having a bath.

These pictures are inserted in a more global problematical who worries Martin Parr for a long time. Towards these pictures he takes a critical eye for showing and speaking about the mass tourism, the behaviors of the consumers and the spare - time.

Martin Parr,"Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana Beach", (1996)

Martin Parr,"Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana Beach", (1996)

Martin Parr belongs to the Magnum agency and his art work has been exposed in several galleries and institutions. Since 2002 many institutions, museum and festivals have organised tributes about his art work (Berlin Art Gallery, National Media Festival, Rencontres d'Arles, new - York Photo Festival).

Martin Parr,"Artificial beach, Miyazaki, Japan", (1996)

Martin Parr,"Artificial beach, Miyazaki, Japan", (1996)

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