Les Harkis

par Philippe  -  1 Mars 2023, 14:16

Les Harkis

Feature movie directed by : Philippe Faucon, writing credits : Philippe Faucon, Yasmina Nini - Faucon, Samir Benyala, produced by : Istiqlal Films, Pyramide Films, cinematography : Laurent Fénart, music : Amin Bouhala, film editing : Sophie Mandonnet, cast : Théo Cholbi, Mohamed Mouffok, Pierre Lottin, Amine Zorgane, Omar Boulakirba, ..., (2022), 82mn.


Deeply appreciate by the film critics during the last Cannes Film Festival "The Harkis" movie directed by Philippe Faucon deals with the the tragic story of some back - up soldiers recruited during the war in Algeria and left alone after the Evian agreements (1962). "Les Harkis" begins in 1959 when recruting officers move to the inner lands of Algeria introducing FLN members as bad guys and proposing wages for those who want to integrate French forces. Following their officers the back - up soldiers fight against FLN members in small battles showing us the reality and the cruelty of war. "Les Harkis" show us also the back - up soldiers daily life ponctuated by doubts by also by an involvement leaded by fidelity. In 1962 France begins talks with FLN who will end by a peace agreement in 1962. All of these soldiers don't know what to do and when they ask the help of their officers they will have any answers. The back - up soldiers will let down and kill by the FLN.


''Les Harkis'' by Philippe Faucon (2022)

''Les Harkis'' by Philippe Faucon (2022)

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