The Whisper of the Stars

par Philippe  -  28 Novembre 2023, 13:38

The Whisper of the Stars

Festival of video art, OVNi 2023, cities ways (Nice, Monaco, Carros, ...) from November 17th to December 3rd and hotels ways (WindsoR, West End) from December 1rst to December 3rd 2023,



Sixty years ago video art birthes and the OVNi festival uses a Yakutia mythology coming from a free state in North of Europe where human voice and earth breath disappear in cold winter. In March 1963 Nam June Paik introduces an installation during the "Exposition of Music - Electronic TV" exhibition at the gallery Parnass made by 13 televisions with disturbed pictures. The artist has used a big magnet put near the cathodic tube for doing that. Today the pictures aren't done like this but with the help of portative cameras and artificial intelligence. The OVNi board put on the same level famous artists and beginers in 35 different places and gives the top at the 109 leaded by a common topic the preservation of nature or identity. The highlighted artists underline all the impact of human action on earth in art galleries (Eva Vautier, Espace A VENDRE, Depardieu) or in art institutions (Musée National Fernand Léger, Musée national Marc Chagall). OVNi is also something professionnal ans some meetings will happen in WindsoR Hotel (OVNi Cosmopolis) or with curators at the West End (OVNi Sud Emergence). From experimental movie to documentaries the OVNi speaks about real things showing everything including whispering.



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