Never Mind, pictures
Exhibition at the CIAC from October 7, 2017 to January 14, 2018, Castle of Carros, Square of the Castle, 06510 Carros (village), admission free, open from 10am to 12.30am and 2pm to 5.30pm, closed Monday and holidays, phone :
In partnership with the Marseille FRAC the Carros CIAC exhibits the art work of the Andre Merian photographer. Merian interests himself with the mutations of the societies and try to be free from the pictures introduced by the medias or the social networks. For the "Never Mind" serial he privileges the stripping of natural or urban landscapes. The minimal art lovers will appreciate such artistic approach a little bit colder of the reality. For the others they must examine with precision the exhibited pictures for making the difference between the pictures taken outside and the more artificial pictures.
André Mérian "Never Mind" collection FRAC (2016)
One + Uno -
Meetings between artists of Carros and San Giustino from the 11th of june to the 28th of august 2016, International Center of Contemporary Art, Castle of Carros, Castle square, 06510 Carros ...
Stations, the Jean - Claude Rossel retrospect -
Exhibition at the International Center of Contemporary Art (ICCA) from the 11th of February to the 21rst of May 2017, Carros castle, 06510 Carros, phone :, admission free. The Jean -
GUILLONNET, from the shadow to the light -
Exhibition from June 10th to September 17th 2017 at the International Center of Contemporary Art (ICCA) Carros castle, Castle square, 06510 Carros (village), open everyday from 10am to 12.30am to ...
Carros - Centre international d'art contemporain
Site du Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Carros