Rock and water

par Philippe  -  13 Juillet 2023, 09:57

Rock and water

Florence Barbéris and Sylvie Deparis exhibition at the CIAC of Carros, Carros Castle, Castle square, 06510 Carros, daily open except Mondays (11.30am - 6pm) and Sundays (11.30am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 6pm), phone :, admission free.


Florence Barberis and Sylvie Deparis own two different ways of working but today follow the same topic. Florence Barberis gives a huge importance to peaceful time and let elements finding alone their right place. Sylvie Deparis uses drawing as medium for discovering unknown stories under the hazard sign. Today the both highlight an interest about nature including a deep environment thought. Florence Barberis and Sylvie Deparis have lived few months near the Parc Naturel Régional des Préalpes d'Azur for keep watching some phenomenons like the water action on rocks. Until the beginning of earth water done that and the result stays as kind of natural stones sculptures. The drawings, the prints, the pictures and the installations from Florence Barberis and Sylvie Deparis underline a unique, a sensitive world where water and rocks find themselves and put themselves together.

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