David Douglas Duncan, art exposition
Exposition David Douglas Duncan in the Musée Picasso d'Antibes, 16 september 2014 until 8 mars 2015, Château Grimaldi Place Mariejol, 06600 Antibes, tél. / 26, open every days except monday, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 14 a.m. to 18 a.m., price = 6 €, reduce = 3 €.
Born the 23th of january 1916 in Kansas City Missouri the photograph David Douglas Duncan began his career after the Second World War when the Life Magazine ask him to shoot several conflicts. He becomes to be well known when he realises a very critic book about the war called "This is the war" (1951). Remarked by the other well known photographer Robert Capa who is becoming famous after shooting the Civil Spanish War during the thirties for Life Magazine David Douglas Duncan want to shoot the famous Picasso. Shooting Picasso is something banal because several famous photographers (Bresson, Brassaï, Capa, Doisneau) have already done that. They have all shooted the burning Picasso eyes.
Recommanded by Robert Capa and with the agreement of the last Picasso wife Jacqueline Roque the photograph arrives from Roma at the villa "La Californie" in Cannes. The meeting between him and Picasso happened the 8th of february 1956. David Douglas Duncan drived a Mercedes 900 SL a car whose the doors look like the wings of a butterfly. David Douglas Duncan knows anything about modern art and Picasso isn't attracted by shooting and Picasso is older than his host. But the meeting goes on well. David Douglas Duncan shooted the last 17th years of the Picasso life. The pictures shows Picasso eating fish, having a bath or dressed like an indian.
The mystery of the Picasso creativity has seduced David Douglas Duncan. Picasso is an impredictable man. Sometimes he speaks with you and seems intersted by you and several seconds after he wonders himself for another thing. Picasso has talled to the photographer one secret about his creativity. He explains to him that he loves the three periods (blu, pink, cubist) of his art. Picasso has offered to David Douglas Duncan several paintings too. The photograph has never sold them but he has given his material (pictures, cameras Leica M3D, Nikon F) and his archives at the Texas University.
Jean - Paul GOUDE, une introspection - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exposition du 14 février - 25 mai 2014, Théâtre de la Photographie et de l'image, 27 avenue Dubouchage 06.000 Nice, tél.,ouvert tous les jours sauf lundi de 10 h. à 18 h., entr...
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Exposition, Théâtre de la Photographie et de l'Image, 27 boulevard Dubouchage 06000 Nice, ouvert tous les jours de 10 h à 18 h, tél., entrée libre. Steve McCurry est né dans un...
Frank Horvat, la maison en quinze clés - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exposition du 10 octobre 2014 au 25 janvier 2015 au Théâtre de la Photographie et de l'Image, 27 boulevard Dubouchage, 06.000 Nice, tél. :, entrée libre, ouvert tous les jours sa...
Pablo Picasso : Le site officiel
Le site officiel sur Pablo Picasso. Sa vie, sa biographie, ses peintures, ses sculptures et ses ateliers. Demandes d'autorisations en ligne pour l'utilisation des oeuvres, de l'image et du nom ...
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Duncan. David Douglas Duncan né le à Kansas City, est un photojournaliste de guerre américain. David Douglas Duncan est l'un des photographes les plus influents du