Jean Fautrier, the free representation
Exposition "Jean Fautrier, the free representation, Castor Seibel collection, graphic pieces" , 28th of november 2014 to 26th of april 2015. Centre d'Art la Malmaison, 47 la Croisette, 06.400 Cannes, tél.
Born in Paris the 16th of may 1898 Jean Fautrier follows his mother to London after the death of his father in 1912. He is admited at the Royal Academy when he was sixteen years old. He is mobilized in 1917 but he is gased. After that he is put on half prey. After the first world war he goes to Paris and exposed his paintings for the first time in 1921. In his paintings (landscapes, still life) the black color predominates and he also used dark colors but they all belong to the figurative movement.
In 1928 he executed many lithographys for illustrating "The hell" of Dante. These lithographys constitue the biginning of the informel art. He left the oil painting and looks for a more instinctive expression of the reality towards watercolors and pastel in a light writing
In the thirsties he left the painting and open a night club. During the second world war he is arrested by the german gestapo in Paris. He succeeds to escape and to find a hiding place in the house of the well known french writter Chateaubriand. He realises in 1943 many paintings called "Hostages" for speaking about the barbary of the nazis (shootings of hostages). He uses raw material for showing the barbary. These paintings would be exposed into the gallery Drouin in 1945 and Andre Malraux writes the preface of the catalogue of the exposition. They would be exposed too in New - York in 1950.
With his wife Jeanne Aeply he invents a new process of reprinting called "The originaux multiples". This new process is very complex and uses chalcography and painting for printing a painting in one examplary. This process prefigures the Andy Warhol's work but in a smaller scale. He was very shocked by the invasion of the Hungary by the soviet troups in 1956. Inspired by the Pau Eluard's poem "Freedom, I'm writting your name" he takes back the topic of the hostages and realises several paintings called "Heads of partisans". At the end of his life he painted geometrical paintings with strais, lines, railings. Four years before his death he recieved and award : the Biennale of Venice painting price's.
De l'expressivité primitive au regard inspiré -
Centre d'art la Malmaison, 47 la Croisette, 06400 Cannes, fermeture annuelle en mai et en juin, tous les jours de 11 h./20 h. (juillet/août), tous les jours de 10 h./19 h. (septembre), de 10 h./13...
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Jean Fautrier, 'Head of a Hostage' 1943-4
French painter, printmaker , illustrator and . In 1917 he was called up for the French Army, but because of his poor health he was soon transferred to the auxiliary corps. In 1922 Fautrier moved to