Planet Marker
The art work of Charles Boucher Villeneuve known as Chris Marker depicts the universal and individual history of human people. Earlier he stays as a discreet man changing is name for being printed in the "Revue française de la table ronde" and after integrating the French underground forces. Chris Marker improves also a real feeling for traveling and discovering other civilizations ("Olympiades 52", "Letters from Siberia" (1958) or inner travels like in 1962 with "Joli Mai" in which he speaks about his own family in a France leaded by the general de Gaulle. Since the end of WWII Chris Maker involves himself in the left and his commitment arouses him to think on the future of movie making. In 1967 he creates the SLON a house of production who will become the ISKRA (1974) following the goal to become free from Hollywood, Cinecitta, Mosfilm and Pinewood financial tutelage. At the same time he invents the concept of experimental film giving a huge part of improvisation. Chris Maker uses this type of movie for the first time during the Rodhiaceta workers strike (February - March 1967) for showing their gaol to transform their factory as art center. The falling of 1960's utopias make Chris Marker very sad. Directing two movies ("Le fond de l'air est frais" (1978) and "Sans soleil" (1982) in which he explains the coming back of repression in Western Europe and the failure of liberation movments in Black Africa. The Chris Marker sadness will be over in the 1980's when he will discover computers and the possibilities it own.
Gerda Taro -
Borns in the Russian province of Galicia the young Gerta Pohorylle arrives with her family in Leipzig (Germany) at the beginning of the 1930's. When the nazis take the power she and her family move
Man Ray and the fashion, the woman universe -
Exhibition at the Luxembourg Museum until March 3 2021, with the support of RNM, le Grand Palais and the city of Marseille, 75 Vaugirard steeet, 75006 Paris, daily open (1.30 am - 7pm), phone : ...
Gregory Halpern -
Gregory Halpern begins by taking picture making seriously when he follows Art studies at the California College of Arts. Before he didn't feel the importance of photography. Gregory Halpern owns the