
par Philippe  -  13 Décembre 2022, 13:20


Unknown in France but staying famous in Italy the superhero Superino borns during the 1960's a period of time where Italy rises up far from fascism times. This masked avenger kind and clumsy follows the will figthing against crime. As his alter ego Batman he owns money and names Dino DiMarco but lives with his mother who does many things for him like cooking or being his house butler without knowing anything about his fight. Superino lives in the unreal New Napoli city a mix between modern buildings and suburbs and uses gadgets like his rocket boots or his weapon glovers. The teenagers and the adults also could read the Superino adventures in cheap comic books name fumetti wher the celebrity is giving by huge printing. Everything seems to be all right but the organized crime doesn't like to see a comic hero fighting with success in a city he leads. So he asks to the publisher stoping the Superino adventures in spite of the fact that a famous comic publishing house Dupuis want to make a deal with the Superino Italian publisher for printing in all the Europe. Today the publisher Dupuis succeeds to convince the script writer Lewis Trondheim, the cartoonist Nicolas Keramidas and the colorist Brigitte Findalky to take back the Superino character and following the adventures. The first new album names "Superino" deals with the catch of a stealing jewellery woman who can't be put in jail because all the prisons are full. Superino must keep watching her inside his house and some very funny face to face between her and the Superino mother happen. A new Superino ennemy appears the Octopussy like an allusion of Italian organized crime.



The Superino fight against crime

The Superino fight against crime

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